Working together to rebuild lives
Positive Action in Housing is an independent homelessness and human rights charity dedicated to supporting refugees and migrants to rebuild their lives.
People seeking asylum are living on £1.40 a day. Will you help?
Our Refugee Appeal is raising funds to provide humanitarian assistance to refugee families, children, babies, lone women and men — including torture survivors and those fleeing wars and persecution — who are forced to live without n extreme poverty here in the UK.
Our impact
women, children and men
from 3,333 BME, refugee , asylum seeking and immigrant households from 64 countries of origin to overcome crises and rebuild their lives
Households received homelessness support
We provided detailed advice , representation and casework to 976 households — a 45% increase compared to the previous financial year
of all beneficiaries live in poverty or deprivation
This represents a 5% increase on the previous year. For comparison, 19% of the general population of Scotland lives in poverty.
What’s happening
What we do
By empowering people with information, advice and targeted practical support we enable individuals to achieve independence. Through proactive casework, we challenge unfair decisions and processes that make people’s lives harder.
Housing and homelessness
The Housing & Homelessness Team runs four distinct projects designed to assist BME communities, migrants, refugees and asylum seekers
Emergency Relief Fund
The Emergency Relief Fund directly responds to the growing demand for a rapid humanitarian response in times of crisis. It helps those who are facing severe hardship due to poverty or homelessness. Donations from people like you make this possible.
Lifeline Destitution Service
Crisis intervention for destitute or insecurely housed people fleeing war and persecution providing beneficiaries with breathing space to overcome a crisis and rebuild their lives quickly.
Room for Refugees
The Room for Refugees Network helps men, women and children who are fleeing for their lives to rebuild their lives.
Winter Crisis Appeal
Our Winter Crisis Appeal is raising vital funds to provide humanitarian aid to refugee and asylum-seeking families and individuals — including torture survivors and those fleeing wars and persecution — who are facing destitution and homelessness across Scotland this winter.
Money Skills Project
The Money Skills Project provides people from BME, refugee and migrant communities with one-to-one money, debt advice/representation, and workshops to reduce fuel poverty and improve financial stability.
“Room for Refugees enables those moved by compassion and a sense of justice to offer shelter to someone in need.”
Positive Action in Housing pioneered refugee hosting in in 2002. We run the Room for Refugees Network — the UK's oldest established refugee hosting programme.
We have 20 years of expertise in responding in a refugee crisis. To date we have sheltered over 5,000 refugees. We have 20,000 fully registered hosts. Over 500 refugee, emergency and homelessness organisations, including the British Red Cross, all Refugee Councils, Freedom from Torture, Migrants Organise, The Passage refer their clients to us, and we process hostings on our online platform. We have hosts in every part of the U.K.
- To become a host visit or complete the online host request form
- Individuals who need to be accommodated via Room for Refugees can complete this refugee request form
- Donate to our Appeal today
- See also our resources for refugees from Ukraine, and for supporters
During the time I’ve worked in Glasgow covering social issues, Positive Action in Housing has been a constant presence and an extremely useful one. I admire this charity because it is no respecter of institution or status where injustice needs to be tackled. I think it is worth thinking about how unusual that is – journalistically, I encounter people all the time who would like to speak out but don’t – due to concern over offending funders or alienating those in political power.
Stephen Naysmith, former Social Affairs Correspondent, The Herald