Asylum & Immigration Full Facts - Scotland
12 August 2024
Here are the latest Home Office Immigration statistics for Scotland as follows:

The latest Home Office immigration statistics show that as of 31 March 2024:
- There were 26,826 arrivals under Homes in Ukraine.
- 1,303 arrivals under the Afghan Resettlement programme.
- 5,847 Asylum seekers (supported)
- Total of the Above: 33,976.
The figure of unsupported/destitute asylum seekers/refused asylum seekers is not provided as they have fallen out of the system effectively. We work to get people back into the system and on the pathway to resettlement., paying their way - and taxes. For immigrants other than Ukrainians, the Hostile Environment and current UK asylum policy works to prevent people resettling successfully and paying their own way.
R Qureshi