Breaking: We saved lives today!
28 March 2024
With the help of our members and supporters, several members of 29 year old Dr Hashem’s family, including children and young people, have been permitted to leave Gaza and are right now on their way to Cairo. Help us help them to find safe accommodation.

A moment of light in all this darkness. With the help of Positive Action in Housing’s members and supporters, several members of 29 year old Dr Hashem’s family, including children and young people, have been permitted to leave Gaza and are right now on their way to Cairo where Hashem’s wife and sister in law will meet them. They have been found accommodation, but since the Gaza catastrophe the rents in Cairo have gone up. The monthly rent is £700 per month and the deposit is also high.
One can only imagine how relieved they must be to have left but also how sad they must be to leave their other family members behind possibly forever. Sadly, Hashem's mother and sister and 14 year old sister in law have still not been given permission to leave. We await news anxiously.
Hashem’s family home was bombed and flattened to the ground. Their home and land was worth £300,000 and was built over 30 years.The people of Palestine did not just live in rubble. Everyone lost someone and something.
Phase 2 of their journey has now begun and we are seeking contributions towards their accommodation over the next 12 months as they process everything they has happened.
If you can give a small monthly donation towards their accommodation and food costs that would be wonderful. These are capable, proud people going through trauma, Hashem’s father in law was an engineer and helped to build Gaza Airport before it was destroyed. His sisters in law are medical students and pharmacists whose university courses were cut short and their universities destroyed and their lecturers tortured and/or killed. They will need time to process the last six months. Without you are members and supporters, none of this would be possible. Our thoughts remain with all those who are still left behind.
Link to donate is here.