The people we have helped



When you can’t work because of illness or disability, it’s possible to end up penniless because of complicated or poorly run DWP health assessments. Without the Money Skills Project, Oksana would have been left in poverty, debt and probably homeless.



Vilema, 41, has been in the UK for almost 20 years, originally in London.



Paul was in his sixties when he found himself with nowhere to call home.



Raj and his family got leave to remain in November 2018 after making an application on Human Rights grounds in 2015.



Somna moved into her flat in June 2019 with her two children, then 12 and 10 years old. The family immediately faced many problems in a flat that was clearly in breach of the Scottish Tolerable and Repairing Standards. It took months of frequent involvement and reminders to the letting agent to commit to repairs and to arrange days and times.



Eva and her family moved into their home in September 2018.



Samson is a father of two who has been in the UK more than 20 years. He played professional football for Arsenal in the 1990s.

Min Ling

Min Ling

Increasingly we are seeing people granted Limited Leave to Remain with a no recourse to public funds condition. Min Ling, her partner and their daughter had been living in one room of a friend’s home in Glasgow, sharing the kitchen and bathroom for years.



Augustin has lived in Glasgow since 2007, working for the first few years but finding it increasingly difficult as his health worsened. He started coming to our drop-ins in 2013 where we helped with range of problems, most stemming from his poor state of health. He was mostly supported by his extended family and his income as a musician, playing accordion in Glasgow.

Len and Karen Abrams, hosting Grace, 36, from Malawi in Caterham, Surrey

Len and Karen Abrams, hosting Grace, 36, from Malawi in Caterham, Surrey

For Len, an ordained priest and civil engineer and his librarian wife Karen, the time to act came when the photo of Alan Kurdi—the three-year-old Syrian refugee washed up on Turkish shores—hit the papers. 

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