Throughout the year, we offer unique advertising opportunities to your company plus you are supporting a worthwhile cause.

Any profits from advertising go straight towards funding our humanitarian and charitable work.
You can advertise in the following ways (the dates in brackets are roughly when we can take bookings).
We also offer a “Triple Deal” Rate for all three publications to reduce your costs.
Advertise in our Diversity Wallplanner (October-November)
An excellent ‘diversity tool’ that provides year round advertising to sponsors. A brilliant home or office diversity resource.
Advertise in the Scottish Ethnic Minorities Directory (January – March)
The definitive and most up to date guide to black and minority ethnic, refugee and migrant groups and organisations in Scotland. A must-have resource.
Advertise in our Annual Report (June-September)
By advertising in our charity’s annual report, you can promote your company to over 38,000 subscribers across all sections of civic society, policy makers, key influencers, government, social housing providers, non-profit organisations and people from diverse, communities across Scotland and the UK.