
Advertise in the Scottish Ethnic Minorities Directory (January – March)

The definitive and most up to date guide to black and minority ethnic, refugee and migrant groups and organisations in Scotland. A must-have resource.

The annually revised Scottish Ethnic Minorities Directory is available to buy – all proceeds go to our humanitarian work. An electronic contact list in hard copy and MS Excel format is available for a price of £150.

The deadline for booking an advert is 12 Noon Monday 27 February 2017.

The definitive and most up to date guide to black and minority ethnic, refugee and migrant groups and organisations in Scotland. A must-have resource.

Hundreds of new and updated local and national Black/Minority Ethnic (BME), Refugee and New migrants groups, organisations and services.

Sub-divided by geographical areas as well as areas of interest.

No public body, housing provider, voluntary organisation or anyone trying to reach diverse groups within their communities of operation should be without it.

Advertising gives you the opportunity to promote your work amongst BME, refugee and new migrant projects, groups and organisations in your areas of operation. It also contributes to our humanitarian work with the destitute and homeless.

We are printing and circulating 1,000 Directories across Scotland to minority ethnic, refugee and new migrant communities as well as housing providers, councils, health organisations, social work and voluntary organisations. It’s availability will also be circulated to c. 38,000 subscribers.

Publication, advertising, listings …

Next Publication is scheduled for March. 

Advertisers: To book adverts for the 2017 version due in March 2017, email

The deadline for booking an advert is 12 Noon Monday 27 February 2017.

To order, email full invoice details to

Bulk discounts available.

Payment to be made on receipt of Invoice.

Preferred Payment methods: BACs, Cheques.

A single hard copy £27.50

5 copies   £95

Further discounts on bulk orders An electronic Microsoft Excel version is also available at a cost of £150, and will be emailed immediately on receipt of payment. Just  email the order form below to with your request.ORDER FORMI/We wish to order the Scottish Ethnic Minorities Directory.

To place your order, just  copy the form below into an email, complete the details and email to

JOB TITLE (if any)
COMPANY (if any)

Free to organisational members of Positive Action in Housing.

BME ORGANISATIONS: How to get listed in the directory: We invite black and minority ethnic, refugee and migrant organisations, groups and projects that serve these communities anywhere in Scotland to be included in the revised directory.

To complete an application form, click here. Please note, we reserve the right not to publish entries.

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