News October 2019
30 October 2019
Statement on Serco Lock Change Evictions
In response to concerns that Serco may carry out lock change evictions from today Thursday 31 October 2019, Positive Action in Housing, the refugee and migrant homelessness charity, has issued the following statement: We are dismayed that Serco is going ahead and evicting vulnerable people from the only homes they have while…
25 October 2019
Positive Action in Housing’s latest Annual Report Launched in Glasgow
Positive in Housing’s 24th Annual Impact Report was launched today in Glasgow City Chambers in front of an audience of 110 member organisations from Scottish housing associations, BME organisations, Refugee groups and homelessness organisations, trade unions as well as service users and volunteers involved with the charity. …
24 October 2019
Comment: Essex Lorry Deaths
Robina Qureshi argues that the UK government must face up to the challenges of the global refugee and migrant crisis – we need safe and legal routes for refugees and migrants. People move, deal with it. Creating tighter border controls simply empowers more human trafficking gangs. The Essex Lorry Tragedy …
23 October 2019
39 bodies found in shipping container in Essex
THE REFUGEE CRISIS HAS NOT GONE AWAY 23 October 2019 – 20:00 hrs The Essex Lorry Tragedy echoes other similar incidents: the 58 men and women found dead in a lorry at Dover in 2000; the 71 decomposing bodies of Syrian refugees – the youngest just one year old – abandoned in a lorry at the…