News December 2020


22 December 2020

Home Office faces legal challenge over asylum seeker payments during Covid – Comment

The Home Office is still failing to provide thousands of asylum seekers in emergency hotel accommodation with basic cash support and essentials more than a month after being instructed by the high court to fulfil their legal requirements to do so. In October, law firm Duncan Lewis successfully challenged the…


19 December 2020

International Migrants Day

On #InternationalMigrantsDay2020 @PositiveActionH donated a total of £22,500 from its Refugee Crisis Fund to four grassroots organisations in Lesvos, Greece for their determined hard work and humanitarianism. These are Eric and Philippa Kempson’s Hope Project, Team Humanity, Stand By Me Lesvos and Aegean Boat Report . All high impact,…


18 December 2020

Positive Action in Housing opens Christmas appeal for refugees in Glasgow

Refugee and migrant homelessness charity Positive Action in Housing has launched an appeal to raise a further £5,000 by Christmas Day to complete its fundraising appeal. In the run up to Christmas, the charity says it is providing crisis grants, PPE, winter care packs, food, travel support and essential digital…


13 December 2020


Thank you to Geanina from our #humansofglasgownetwork who washed and ironed her own girls’ clothes for the six year old and seven year old daughters of another mother. That and Christmas presents  too. Look at how beautifully pressed the clothes are. This work could only have been…


10 December 2020

Parveen Begum Ashraf: Eulogy

Parveen Begum Ashraf, aged 52, died of a heart attack on 25 November in Glasgow. Estranged from her family in Pakistan, Parveen suffered several years of poverty and destitution in Glasgow while trying to resolve her asylum status. Like many people seeking asylum getting a decision on a complex case can take…


6 December 2020

December Newsletter

Latest news from Positive Action in Housing. Throughout the pandemic, Positive Action in Housing’s staff and volunteers have been working on the ground supporting people in emergency need, here’s a run down of what we are doing as we approach the end of the year. Thank…


5 December 2020

Our Christmas Tree

This is written by a Turkish academic who is seeking refuge in Glasgow, and who was assisted along with his wife by volunteers from our Humans of Glasgow project.  Our Christmas tree was brought to us by two angels from Positive Action in Housing .  Holding a box…

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