News June 2023
26 June 2023
Positive Action in Housing Raises Concerns Over Home Office’s Plans to House Asylum Seekers on Cruise Ship in Leith
Positive Action in Housing has criticised the Home Office's plan to house asylum seekers on a cruise ship in Leith, expressing concern for the well-being of vulnerable people and calling for more appropriate and humane solutions for housing asylum seekers.
23 June 2023
Europe’s Deals with Dictators: The Tragic Consequences of Abandoning Humanitarian Obligations in the Mediterranean
The recent Greek boat disaster, which resulted in the deaths of up to 500 refugees, is a tragic reminder that mass drownings have become a common occurrence in this part of the world, where people fleeing war, persecution, and poverty risk their lives in overcrowded and unsafe boats to seek safety and better lives in Europe.
23 June 2023
Humanity Without Borders: Saving Lives at Sea
The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea mandates ship captains to rescue anyone in danger at sea, even in international waters. But attempting to rescue refugees in boats could land you in jail for 20 years. It's time to value human lives over borders and billionaires.
20 June 2023
World Refugee Day
Today, 20th June, is World Refugee Day. It is a day both to celebrate those who have sought safety from war and persecution and honour those who have faced hostile immigration controls whilst looking for protection.
18 June 2023
UN agencies call for urgent action after Mediterranean refugee boat tragedy
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) have called for urgent and decisive action to prevent further deaths at sea following the latest tragedy in the Mediterranean, the worst in several years.
16 June 2023
Death of Chinese man at Dungavel could have been prevented had not been detainee
A fatal accident inquiry has found that the death of Xi Biao Huang in 2017 at Dungavel Detention Centre ‘might realistically’ have been prevented if appropriate and adequate medical attention was given.