
Winter Crisis Appeal

Raising vital funds to provide direct humanitarian relief to refugee families, children, lone women and men fleeing wars and persecution.

Donate via CAF, Internet banking, JustGiving or PaypalGiving

This Scotland-wide appeal is in aid of refugees and asylum seekers who are facing homelessness and/or living on as little as £1.20 a day.

Throughout Winter, our homelessness team identifies refugee and asylum-seeking families who have fled war and persecution in countries like Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iran, and Ukraine and are in need of emergency support

Glasgow's homelessness crisis is set to worsen as 1,400 new refugees are ordered to leave their accommodation. As the city with the largest refugee population outside London, and in the absence of social housing, we fear that the Home Office's plan to clear the backlog of unresolved asylum cases will lead to a humanitarian crisis.

In the lead up to Christmas, we are providing crisis grants for essential food items, warm clothing, crisis payments for phone data and bus travel, and essential digital technology where possible to help people stay connected. We are also assisting refugees to find hosted accommodation through our Room for Refugees Network. As well as Glasgow, Perth, Dundee, Erskine, Greenock, Paisley we are providing emergency relief to vulnerable refugees and asylum seekers across Scotland as the need arises.

We understand that times are tough for everyone, and appreciate any donation that you can give. Regular donations especially enable us to plan and execute life-saving interventions. All funds go directly to those in need. The gift aid raised will support our Destitution Service.

Thank you for all your support so far.

Donate via CAF, Internet banking, JustGiving or PaypalGiving or see other ways to donate

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