Our campaigns

Refugee Crisis Europe

We are currently living in the world’s worst refugee crisis since World War 2.  Greece and Italy are at the front-line of the world’s biggest wave of mass-migration of refugees and we have been campaigning and fundraising to support the humanitarian effort there since 2015.    

All the way along the route into Europe through the Balkans there is virtually no humanitarian response, and those in need rely on the goodwill of unpaid volunteers for shelter, food, clothes, and medical assistance.

In 2015-16 we recruited 202 international volunteer medics, nurses and general volunteers who travelled to Lesvos to support the wider humanitarian effort where they assisted 500,000 refugees who crossed the Agean Sea from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan in 2015.

To find out more about donating and enabling us to help people in crisis, please visit our Donate page.

If you think you might be able to provide help in Europe, please visit our page on International Volunteering.

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