Confined to their home during lockdown, Aaliyah was forced to top up her gas and electricity meters with over £150 every two weeks to keep her and her children warm.
Aaliyah faced expensive energy issues during lockdown. Mould was growing up the walls of their Housing Association flat, and the wallpaper was peeling off. Her children were finding it hard to concentrate on home-schooling because of the dampness. Her housing officer advised Aaliyah to open the windows. Still, she struggled to keep the place warm.
A friend advised Aaliyah to contact our Money Skills Team for help and advice. Aaliyah’s Caseworker, Marina, also booked her onto one of our Energy Efficiency workshops and got her a grant from the Scottish Government Home Heating Fund to help with energy costs during Lockdown. We also found a cheaper supplier, saving the family £180 a year and advised her of the Warm Home Discount, which provided another £140 off her annual bill. To find a long-term solution, we referred her to Home Energy Scotland, who arranged a property assessment and liaised with the housing association about energy efficiency in the property.
“During Lockdown, I was very worried about the cost of bills. Being at home with nowhere to go meant we were using more heat and food. Once I met my caseworker, I felt I could trust her and get the support I needed. Thankfully, I was able to access advice, grants, and financial skills. My stress levels went down, and I no longer have this fear of getting into debt. I feel stronger too, and really glad that I asked for and got the help my family and I needed.”