*Sara’s story
With a little support, we have seen people come out of the most hopeless situations. Sara’s story is one example we would like to tell you about.
Sara, pictured with her little boy, is a happy, confident and giving young woman. She has a strong network of support around her. A very different person to a year ago.
Sara had suffered a breakdown after feeling alone and isolated looking after her baby and sofa-surfing while she tried to claim asylum.
Her child was looked after by a foster carer. When she left hospital, she was told she could not have her baby back without a place to stay.
We provided Sara a home within days through one of our amazing refugee hosts, a GP and her family and then another family. The baby was handed back that same day after the social worker did some checks. We also arranged a weekly destitution grant.
Within A few months, Sara was given a home by the SW Department while she progresses her asylum claim.
“Seeing Sara happy and confident was very rewarding for the team at Positive Action in Housing”