We are a signatory to the ‘Together Against Prevent’ statement that says:
- We recognise and condemn the damage that Prevent’s “spot the potential terrorist” approach has made primarily in stigmatising and criminalising entire Muslim communities, but also to a growing number of political activists and campaigners labelled with ill-defined terms like “non-violent extremist” or “domestic extremist”.
- We view Prevent as a policy that is based on insufficient evidence to support the flawed assumption that ‘extremist’ ideology opposed to subjective ‘British values’ is the single most important cause of terrorism. We therefore support closer collaboration between different campaigning, religious and community organisations to call on the government to end its Prevent strategy.
- We support and encourage more political debate in schools, colleges and universities and reject attempts to close down and censor dissenting voices. We welcome open discussion with all young people about potentially radical ideas and call on all educational institutions to vigorously defend the right to free academic inquiry on issues considered ‘controversial’.
- We pledge to take no Prevent funds and support non-cooperation, wherever possible, with local Prevent programmes.
The Islamic Human Rights Commission has produced a comprehensive page of Prevent Strategy Campaign resources and the following links may also be useful:
Palestine Solidarity Campaign ‘Prevent Duty Guidance’ response
Universities and Colleges Union (UCU) – The Prevent Duty: a guide for branches and members July 2015
De-radicalisation programmes are NOT working Daily Express, June 2018
(Links correct at time of publishing and are provided for information and convenience. We cannot accept responsibility for the sites linked to, or the information found therein)