After securing refugee status, Ahmad and his family had struggled to find good interpreters for them to get the support they needed.

Finding expert and accessible advice can be life changing. Ahmad, his wife and their three children are from Syria and had recently been granted Refugee Status when they came to the Money Skills Project for advice and help applying for benefits. They had tried to get help elsewhere, but finding interpreters was causing delays at a time they had no income at all and were desperate.
Their caseworker and Arabic speaking Community Helpdesk worker helped Ahmad and his wife create and link their online Universal Credit accounts and completed the application. They then explained how to access the online Journal and To-Do list and explained why, to avoid sanctions, it’s so important to check them regularly. They noted Ahmed’s health issues and helped make an application for a Limited Capability for Work supplement, worth an additional £90 a week. It became clear that Ahmed would need additional support for his health issues and Personal Independence Payment application was made, adding £85 to their weekly budget. Their Child Benefit application was refused because HMRC didn’t see that they had been granted Refugee Status, but a successful Mandatory Reconsideration was made and backdated payment followed.
The expert knowledge and accessibility of the Money Skills Project mean the family are now building their new life in Glasgow on solid foundations.