Amira fled domestic violence and political persecution in Iran at the height of the Lockdown in the UK. Here, she experienced harassment and homelessness. We helped Amira find safe housing and a lawyer.

After arriving in the UK, Amira was accommodated in a hotel for asylum seekers in Blackpool and was later moved to another hotel in Rochdale. She was intimidated by a man there, and despite reporting this to hotel staff, she received no support. She fled to Manchester and then Glasgow, where she was street homeless. A stranger found her crying, frightened, and exhausted in a public park where she was sleeping and gave her the phone number of Positive Action in Housing.
When she contacted us, caseworkers from our Lifeline Project immediately arranged emergency hotel accommodation for her and then arranged for Amira to stay with a Room for Refugee host in Glasgow. Her host helped her to see a GP, enrol in ESOL classes, and practice her English.
Lifeline referred her to a specialist organisation, Freedom from Torture, for mental health and trauma support, and to an immigration solicitor for assistance with submitting her asylum claim. Lifeline also supported her with small grants and vouchers to apply for financial support and accommodation. Amira now has Section 95 support and safe housing.
I would not have made it; I think I would have died if you had not stepped in. After all the fear and insecurity, I feel safe and hopeful for the future.