Update on the Ukraine Programme
15 July 2022
Here are statistics as of July 12 2022 on the arrival of Ukrainians to the UK and Ireland and an update on progress of Positive Action in Housing’s Ukraine Programme.

Arina and her mother are greeted by sponsors Karen and Len, long-standing hosts with our Room for Refugees Programme
As of July 12, 2022, 95,400 Ukrainian visa holders are reported to have arrived in the UK. A total of 155K visas were issued. 29,700 arrived via the family route and 65,600 via the Homes for Ukraine Visa Programme.
In Scotland, 5,457 Ukrainians have arrived via the Scotland super-sponsor route. 20,605 visas have been issued under this route. It exceeds the 3,000 the Scottish Government committed to welcome when the scheme launched in March.
2,777 Ukrainians have arrived to stay in Scotland with private sponsors. A total of 3,959 visas have been issued for stats with private sponsors.
The Scottish Government has put a three month pause on any new applications through its super sponsor route. Existing applications already in the system will continue to be processed.
In a statement, the Scottish Government said "a temporary suspension is needed to ensure safe accommodation can continue to be provided to those who have already applied and may now travel to Scotland."
Ireland has taken in 40,000 refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine – the majority of them women and children. Ireland does not impose visa requirements on Ukrainians fleeing war.
Since March 2022, Positive Action in Housing’s Ukraine programme has provided advice and information to over 1,500 Ukrainian households. We have advised those who are least able to wait for UK visas, or who did not have international passports, to travel to Ireland. We also assisted some young people to reach safety in Ireland instead of the UK. Until recently, the UK barred unaccompanied minors under the age of 18 from entering the UK.
We have also successfully arranged sponsors for almost 250 Ukrainian households mainly in Scotland and England.