Daily life
Appointment Clinics and Outreach Surgeries
Free, independent and multilingual advice and information for people from BME, refugee and migrant communities.
Free bus travel in Scotland for under 22s
All young people and children aged 5-21 years are supposed to be able to access Free Bus Travel Scheme from 31 January. But sadly the system blocks asylum seekers and those not born in the U.K., sending them on a fruitless merry go round.
Free food
Links to food banks
How to get a Bus Pass
Information on how to get a bus pass in Scotland for an Asylum Seeker.
Positive Action Network
External link opens in new window https://positiveaction.network…
Discover useful contacts and resources for people from BME, refugee, asylum-seeking, and migrant communities. Access a wide range of support organisations that offer multilingual and multicultural services. Resources throughout Scotland and the entire UK. To have your organisation or service included in the online Directory, simply sign up for a login. To claim an existing listing, or to alert us to errors, send an email to home@positiveactionh.org, and we'll be happy to assist you.
Problems with my ARC Card
For up to date information on the ARC card, read this guide.
Education funding options for young refugees and asylum seekers
External link opens in new window https://www.reuk.org/funding…
An overview of providers of grants to support young people's education, including the cost of fees, travel, resources and equipment. Please visit each provider's webpage to confirm eligibility criteria and application deadlines.
Get some tech
External link opens in new window https://paih.typeform.com/to/lBal3m8C…
Fill out this form to request a smartphone or laptop
Register your child for school
External link opens in new window https://www.mygov.scot/register-your-child-for-a-school…
Every child has a right to a free place at school.
Get a bicycle
External link opens in new window https://paih.typeform.com/to/qcTEcGyA…
Fill out this form to request a free bicycle
Britain Explained
Britainexplained.com was set up earlier this year because many aspects of daily life in Britain might be difficult to understand for people moving from abroad.
How do I find a job?
Find full or part-time jobs in England, Scotland and Wales.